Telemetry Customers
To all Prosol “Telemetry” customers
Arthur D Riley are pleased to announce the acquisition of the “Telemetry clients only” from the Prosol business as of 1 April 2018. (The Prosol business itself continues under its current ownership).
This continues building on our recent acquisitions in this area from last year. WaterMetrics have well over a decade of experience in Remote Meter and Sensor data retrieval and presentation and are at the forefront of the new “Iot” technologies “SigFox” and “LoRaWan” and are ourselves supported by many decades of experience by the Parent Company (AD Riley) who have been trading since 1909
We are migrating the servers to our environment on Wednesday, 18th April 2018 and there will be a short outage between 9 am to 4 pm. During this time, your online portal data access to the Telemetry Site will be unavailable.
We take this opportunity to welcome all of you on board and look forward to responding to your current and future measure, manage and monitoring requirements.
Our contact details are; WaterMetrics Customer Delivery and Support (9am to 5pm Mon – Friday) – Ann O’Donoghue and Michael Dennis - 0800 493 7626 and email
In the meantime please continue to access the telemetry site in your usual manner until further notice.
Following this announcement – we will be communicating with you regularly going forward. In the meantime please feel free to contact us by email or phone and update your contact details